Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fantastic response to CNN's story about Saint Mother Theodore's path to sainthood

Is there a better connection to Women In History Month than to have CNN share the story of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin with its worldwide audience? Naw, didn’t think so.

In case you missed it, on March 4 CNN televised a documentary about the process of becoming a saint in the Roman Catholic Church and used Mother Theodore’s story as a case example. The program will be rebroadcast at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. (EST) Saturday, March 10, and at 2 a.m. (EDT) Sunday, March 11.

Sister Marie Kevin Tighe, who served as liaison with the Vatican for the Congregation, spent two hours the day after the broadcast answering emails and telephone calls. She heard from a former Congregation chaplain, SP staff who have said their families watched it in other states, a woman from Massachusetts who says she was healed from cancer through Mother Theodore’s intercession, a relative who works for the Wall Street Journal and a Benedictine monk who is studying in Belgium, and some Providence Associates, among others.

Sister Jan Craven, coordinator of the Office for the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, has seen a dramatic increase in contacts. People are asking for prayers, prayer cards and relics and they are remembering relatives who were members of the Congregation.

Some of the stories are quite touching: A person with COPD wants a relic and prayers for healing; prayers for peace of mind; offering gratitude for helping a family through hard times; prayers for a sibling who had a cornea transplant; healing of a stabbing victim; a sibling with pancreatic cancer; a person from the upper Midwest who wants to pray at Saint Mother Theodore’s shrine; a couple traveling through from Florida northward who wants to visit the shrine; and more. Contacts have come from across the United States.
CNN staff, too, has been asked for additional information and contact information, and they are cooperating wonderfully in sharing with those who ask.

What a beautiful way to remember the presence of Saint Mother Theodore, and to recognize her spirit and legacy that is still very much alive. You may contact Sister Jan at the shrine office at 812-535-2925 or at


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