Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rita Tatum sasses cancer back

Taking on the Big C with spirit is the subject of a new book written by Providence Associate Rita Tatum, (pictured in pink at right with the late Sister Marianne McGriffin) who chronicles her journey with stage IV uterine cancer through a series of emails to family and friends. “Sass Cancer Back: Living with Spirit” was published last March.

“The book began as emails to friends, who were praying for me, during my surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy treatments. As the months passed, people receiving my emails kept telling me how funny they were. A number encouraged me “to write a book so others can benefit from your experience.” When the book was in an early draft, a book critic reviewed the manuscript and felt it was like having a friend with you as you embarked on a cancer journey. He told me to double the manuscript (then 40,000 words), keeping in mind that friend concept. I took his advice,” shared Rita.

Rita adds a large dose of humor to her work.

“Life is absurd. You never know when or where on your life’s journey, you’ll end up hitting a slippery segment and come crashing down, hopefully on the well-padded end. Now, covered in mud, you can cry. But it takes lots and lots of tears to wash mud off. Or, you can laugh and turn the garden hose on yourself. It’s been my experience that the garden hose option is faster,” she joked.

“Sass Cancer Back: Living with Spirit” is available at Xlibris and at all major online booksellers.


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