Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Women’s History Month: China or Russia? Yes. New World? No.

“The Eighth American Saint” describes some of the feelings Mother Theodore had about leaving her beloved France for the New World:

“Sister Theodore, on a short trip to Soulaines to settle certain matters there, went to say goodbye to the doctor who had given her medical training when she first came there. He was very troubled to hear she was going so far away. ‘It is like hearing that a friend has been condemned to death,’ he said. ‘And you are far from well, Sister. Think of the hardships of the journey and then of the rough life in that wild country.’

“‘Well, I had never thought of going to America myself,’ said Sister Theodore, ‘and I am still surprised to know that I am actually going. I did want to work for souls in other lands, but I always thought of going to China or Russia — and instead it is to be the New World.’

“Later, when she wrote to say goodbye to her sister Marie, she had to repeat these words, for Marie had wept at the thought of her sister going away — ‘so far and to such a wild place.’

“‘I am certain it is the will of God for me to go there,’ Sister Theodore told Marie, but the latter remained unconvinced. ‘You will be unhappy so far from home, and in a place where the language is different and the customs too,’ Marie answered.

“‘I know, I know all that. I am even now torn between a desire to get to work there very soon and the knowledge that my heart will all but break when I leave. I do love you all and Ruillé and Soulaines and all my beloved France. But I am sure it is God’s will for me, Marie — of that I am certain.’” (pages 51-52)

To learn more about Saint Mother Theodore, click here.


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